
The consortium is made up of 21 leading scientists in their field, and their respective PhDs and postdocs contributing to the IMAGINE! project, based at 8 different Dutch institutes.

Together they form an expert team with a diverse and extensive knowledge background including optogenetics, organoid research, cellular dynamics, oncology, DNA-segregation, drug delivery, biosensor development, organic chemistry, engineering of optical microscopes, data visualisation and analysis.

IMAGINE! Group Photo 2023

For the realisation of the project the consortium was awarded a Gravitation grant (“zwaartekracht” in Dutch), funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Dutch government via the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for 10 years (October 2022 – September 2032).

Participating institutes:

Logos of UU, TUD, TU/e, PMC, Hubrecht, UMCU, NKI, LUMC, RUMC

The Executive Board

The executive board, led by Anna Akhmanova, consists of 6 PIs who together manage the project:

Other PIs of the consortium

Scientific Advisory Board

Our Scientific Advisory Board is composed of internationally acclaimed scientists in their fields who support us with valuable feedback throughout the project.

Early Career Researchers

PhD students


Affiliated members

Bahar Arik
Beekman Lab, UMCU

Emma van Grinsven
Akhmanova Lab, UU

Layla Nasr
Friedl Lab, RUMC

Ben Bouchet
Akhmanova Lab, UU

Anne Meetje van Genderen
Masereeuw Lab, UU

Alfredo Soriano
Kapitein Lab, UU

Liam Cools
Smith Lab, TUD

Dimitri Kromm
Smith Lab, TUD

Albert Serweta
Kapitein Lab, UU

Support Team

Alumni and former members

Tijmen Herdink, PhD (2023 – 2024)

Eike Mahlandt, postdoc (2023 – 2024)

Wei Zhao, postdoc (2023 – 2024)

Portrait Photos by Elly Soltani (PIs portrait photos) and Malina Iwanski and Jey McCaughey.